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Chests can be found in almost every room in the game. When opened, they grant one or more items.

Appearance Unofficial Name Drops Location
NormalChest1.png Plain Chest
  • Coin
  • Coin Bag
  • Small Health Potion
  • Key
  • Appears after clearing a room with mistakes.
  • Can appear after clearing wave 1 or 2 of a Challenge Room.
NormalChest2.png Flawless Chest
  • Coin
  • Coin Bag
  • Small Health Potion
  • Key
  • Appears after clearing a room flawlessly.
  • Can appear after clearing wave 1 or 2 of a Challenge Room.
WideChest.png Wide Chest
  • 1-4 of any combination of:
    • Coin
    • Coin Bag
    • Small Health Potion
    • Key
  • Stat Upgrade
  • Can appear after clearing a room. (Uncommon)
  • Can appear after clearing wave 1 or 2 of a Challenge Room.
MidasChest.png Midas Chest
  • Coin
  • Appears after clearing a room on zones with the Midas modifier.
NormalKeyChest.png Common Key Chest
  • Equipment
  • Armor
  • Lucky Dice
  • Shield Converter
  • Stat Upgrade
  •  ?
  • Can appear after clearing a room. (Rare)
  • Appears in Chest Rooms.
WeaponChest.png Weapon Chest
  • Weapon
  • Can appear after clearing a room. (Very Rare)
  • Appears at the top of the Tower Room in Castle Asgard I.
FlatKeyChest.png Flat Key Chest
  • Weapon
  • Ability
  • Equipment
  • Stat Upgrade
  •  ?
  • Appears in high places in rooms.
BackKeyRoomChest.png Barrier Chest
  • Weapon
  • Ability
  • Equipment
  • Stat Upgrade
  •  ?
  • Appears behind the damage barrier in Chest Rooms
BossChest.png Boss Chest
  • Stat Upgrade
  • Appears after defeating a boss.
ChallengeRoomChest.png Challenge Chest
  • Weapon
  • Ability
  • Equipment
  • Stat Upgrade
  • Skeleton Key
  •  ?
  • Appears after clearing the 3rd wave of a Challenge Room.
TripleChest.png Cursed Chests
  • Fly
  • Equipment
  • Stat Upgrade
  • Large Health Potion
  • Armor, Coin Bag
  •  ?
  • Appears in rooms as a form of shrine.