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Revision as of 20:01, 16 October 2023 by FlaminSarge (76561197998466511) (talk | contribs) (game data seems to indicate that this is named "Dark Heart" (minibossdarkheart + the string "dark heart" in an "ItemStrings" table alongside all other enemy names))
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Enemies roam the levels. You must beat all enemies in a room to proceed. Enemies attack to the beat of the music.

Regular enemies[edit]

In the Weapons page, weapons will show how much damage they do, with the regular pistol dealing 50 damage.

Image Name Health Attacks Comments
Worm.png Worm 100 HP

Hellish: 150 HP

  • Bite: 25 HP
BabyBat.png Baby Bat 50 HP
  • Fireball: 25 HP
FoulBat.png Foul Bat 50 HP
  • Fireball: 25 HP
SpiderHatchling.png Spider Hatchling 50 HP
  • Lunge: 25 HP
Can spawn on its own or inside spider eggs. Eggs will naturally start hatching once all other enemies in the room have been killed.
Spider.png Spider 200 HP

Hellish: 300 HP

  • Lunge: 25 HP
Its abdomen is a weak spot.
GiantSpider.png Giant Spider 300 HP

Hellish: 450 HP

  • Lunge: 25 HP
Yellow crystal on back is weak spot that takes triple damage.
SmallFloatingSkull.png Elemental (Dragon's Ghost) 50 HP
  • Self Destruct: 25 HP
Flying suicider. Summoned by Draugr, Ymir, and Dark Hearts. Can also appear naturally.
SiredSkull.png Sired Skull 200 HP

Hellish: 300 HP

  • Self Destruct: 25 HP
Flying suicider. Summoned by Vétt. Can go through walls. (AKA big cow floating skull)
Fly.png Fly 200 HP

Hellish: 300 HP

  • Fireball: 25 HP
Flyer. Can spawn from slot machines.

Has a weak spot in the front center

Guardian.png Guardian 100 HP

Hellish: 150 HP

  • Homing missile: 25 HP
  • After one beat of charging, Shoots homing projectiles on four consecutive beats, then stays still for another four beats.
  • Will face and move away from the player during their charging and shooting phases. They will stop moving and tracking the player during their still phase, leaving them vulnerable to attacks.
  • Their shield will block any incoming physical damage from weapons, but not from magic attacks (see Abilities).
  • The homing projectile can be dodged in two different ways : either by Dashing on the beat of the attack, as prompted by the reticle (showing the "Dodge" prompt), or by counter-strafing away from the projectile's trajectory (showing the "Juke" prompt).
ClockworkSoul.png Clockwork Soul 400 HP

Hellish: 600 HP

  • Three projectiles in a wide spread: 25 HP
  • Explosion: 12.5 HP
  • Contracts into an invulnerable ball when damaged. Can spawn from slot machines.
  • Explodes after uncurling itself, or will stomp and explode if the player is too close.
  • Its weak spot is in the middle of its torso, instantly killing it. Most easily seen when first entering a room and before it starts shooting.
  • The weak spot can also be hit just before it spins to shoot at the player, by hitting the left of its body just as it reaches the end of its windup.
Hexapod(LookItUp).png Hexapod (look it up) 200 HP

Hellish: 300 HP

  • Bite: 25 HP
  • Fireball: 25 HP

Its weak spot is a glowing mass hanging under it. It can be struck for an instant kill. This is most easily achievable by Geri.

HexapodPortal.png Hexapod Portal 200 HP
  • N/A
Spawns Hexapods until destroyed or until it runs out
BigBat.png Big Bat 800 HP

Hellish: 1200 HP

  • Fireball: 25 HP
  • Sonic beam: 12.5 HP
Appears as a miniboss.
IgneousRed.png Igneous Red 500 HP

Hellish: 750 HP

  • Ring: 10 HP
  • Punch: ?
  • Firebolts: 25 HP
Appears as a miniboss. Its head is a weak spot.
Mara.png Mara 600 HP

Hellish: 900 HP

  • Fireball: 25 HP
  • Charge: 25 HP
Starts walking with 6 legs at ≤ 50% health and at ≤ 33% health on Hellish (300 health remaining)

Will shoot towards the player's location even if it does not have a line of sight

Starkadrwraith.png Starkaðr Wraith 200 HP

Hellish: 300 HP

  • Fireball: 25 HP
Skel.png Skel 400 HP

Hellish: 600 HP

  • Fireball: 25 HP

Damage to the Head is blocked Skel Fly uses it's shield head to hide behind

SkelFly.png Skel Fly 50 HP
  • Fireball: 25 HP

When Skel dies, Skel Fly will move to another vacant Skel to hide behind. Only hides behind a Skel when looked at by the player, and wont shoot while hiding. If the player isn't looking at a Skel Fly, it will move out Skel's cover and shoot very frequently, if no Skels are alive it will not find any other cover and shoot at the player regardless of being looked at

Ratr.png Ratr 100 HP

Hellish: 150 HP

  • Blade: 25 HP

Always drops 1 coin when killed.

Vargr.png Vargr 700 HP

Hellish: 1100 HP

  • Fireball: 25 HP
  • Stomp (floor-wide attack): 25 HP
BPMGolem.jpg Golem 2700 HP
  • Stomp (floor-wide attack): 25 HP
Golem will stand still and stomp every 2 beats repeatedly.
CorruptedHeidrun.png Corrupted Heiðrún 1000 HP

Hellish: 1500 HP

  • Fireball: 25 HP
  • Stomp (floor-wide attack): 25 HP
Appears as a miniboss and randomly spawn in Nidhogg's first round.
no image Skull ? HP

Hellish: ? HP

  • Self Destruct: 25 HP
  • Flying suicider. Summoned by Corrupted Heiðrún.
Blade.png Blade 200 HP

Hellish: 300 HP

  • Throw blade: 25 HP
  • Explosion: ?
Becomes invulnerable for a few seconds when got hit. Head takes double damage.
FastFly.png Fast Fly 50 HP
  • Fireball: 25 HP
MotherOfFlies.png Mother of Flies 250 HP

Hellish: 400 HP

  • Bite: 25 HP
  • Flyer. On death, spawns 4 fast flies
  • Will rotate in place until facing the player. Once facing, will fly towards the player to bite them.
Maggot2.png Maggot 100 HP

Hellish: 150 HP

  • N/A
Upon dying, spawns 4-6 Flies
Hive.png Hive 100 HP

Hellish: 150 HP

  • N/A
  • Will spawn a fly every four beats, stopping once six of its spawned flies are occupying the room.
  • If one or more of its spawned flies are killed, it will resume spawning until their count reaches six again.
ScorpionHatchling.png Scorpion Hatchling 150 HP

Hellish: 250 HP

  • Melee attack: 25 HP
  • Acid Spray: 25 HP
Scorpion.png Scorpion 200 HP

Hellish: 300 HP

  • Charge attack: 25 HP
  • Regular attack: 25 HP
  • Acid Spray: 25 HP
  • The sting takes double damage.
  • If making contact with the player, will attack them with its' claws on every half-beat.
  • If close to the player, will spray acid from it's stinger.
  • If far from the player, will charge directly at them for four beats after a two beats call, hiding it's stinger for the duration of the charge. The charge will be canceled if the Scorpion leaves the field of view of the player Template:Requires further testing
ScorpionQueen.png Scorpion Queen 400 HP

Hellish: 600 HP

  • Rapid Fireballs: 25 HP
Spawns Scorpion Hatchlings.
Krakling.png Krakling 100 HP

Hellish: 150 HP

  • Slow projectile: 25 HP
Flyer. Summoned by Kraken. Can also appear naturally.
Kraken.png Kraken 2000-2100 HP

Hellish: 3000-3150 HP

  • Waves: 25 HP
  • Spread shot: 25 HP
Appears as a miniboss. Can be pushed by Snipe.png Snipe
WildWitch.png Wild Mage 2400 HP

Hellish: 3600 HP

  • Fireball: 25 HP
  • Floor-wide attack: 25 HP
  • Expanding hemisphere: 25 HP
Appears as a miniboss

Has a very low chance to spawn by itself in a regular room.

FlightlessImp.png Flightless Imp 300 HP
  • Self destruct: 50 HP
Suicider. After taking damage, it will begin to run towards the player at a faster pace.
FlyingImp.png Flying Imp 400 HP
  • Flyer. Bombardment: 25HP
Drops bomb when killed.
Mage.png Mage 1000 HP
  • Multiple firebolts: 25 HP per projectile
  • Magic projectile: 25 HP
  • Mines: 25 HP
Can teleport around, lay mines periodically, and be killed in 1 shot with a headshot
Minotaur.png Mechanised Monstrosity 150 HP
  • Fireballs: 25 HP
Charges up then sends a barrage at the player. Only weak spot is the back. (name originally incorrect)
FoulWretch.png Foul Wretch 300 HP
  • Magic bolt: 25 HP
Fires 1 bolt at range, but many arcing bolts if player is very close.

Will fall to the floor at ≤ 50% of it's health and will only attack with many arcing bolts while grounded.

UnknownMob1.png Minotaur 3350-3400 HP
  • Spinning slash: 25 HP
  • Stomp (floor-wide attack): 25 HP
Appears as a miniboss
BlackKnight.png Black Knight 4800 HP
  • Air slash: 25 HP
Appears as a miniboss. Sword slashes create air blades which penetrate walls (and you).
FireEater.png Fire Eater 500 HP
  • Fireball Barrage: 25 HP
Screams loudly before firing fireballs.
SyncronisedSkeleton.png Synchronised Skeleton 200 HP
  • Throws a sword: 25 HP
SkeletonMage.png Skeleton Mage 300 HP
  • Magic bolt: 25 HP
Flyer. Can spawn from slot machines.
FireBreather.png Firebreather 600 HP
  • Fireball bursts: 25HP
Shoots two burst of three fireballs then pauses.
UnknownMob3.png Dark Heart 500 HP
  •  ?
Spawns elementals until destroyed.

UnknownMob2.png Fly 400 HP
  • Projectile: 25 HP
Appears in Helheim I or when the Hero Mother of Flies is killed

Although it shares the same name with the Flies that spawns in zones prior to Helheim, its appearance, behaviour, and HP are different

Used to be named Phoenix in previous patches

ServantOfDarkness.png Servant of Darkness 4800 HP
  • Air slash: 25 HP
  • Fireball: 25 HP
  • Expanding hemisphere: 25 HP
  • Flaming knives: 25 HP
Appears as a miniboss. (AKA samurai)

Has a very low chance to spawn by itself in a regular room.

Jötunn guard.png Jötunn Guard 300 HP
  • Throw shield: 25 HP
  • Shield Bash: 25 HP
Can be damaged briefly when lifting their shield before throwing, or with a well aimed shot at their feet as they hold their shield. Their shield throw cannot be strafed from any distance, only dodged.
DragonSpirit.png Dragon's Spirit 50 HP
  • Self Destruct: 25 HP
Flying suicider. Summoned by Nidhogg.

Unique enemies[edit]

Special enemies that only spawn in certain rooms across all zones.

Image Name Health Attacks Comments
Cutthroat.png Cutthroat 100 HP

Hellish: 150 HP

  •  ?
Appears in the special room of the Castle level, and within Helheim I.

Will die after enough time has elapsed (roughly 1 minute and 20 seconds)

Reaper.png Reaper 1400 HP

Hellish: 2100 HP

  • Expanding bubble: 25 HP
  • Magic bolt: 25 HP
Can appear in a wave in a challenge room.

Has a very low chance to spawn by itself in a regular room.

The expanding bubble it creates has two phases. Outwards movement during beat one then halting progress during beat two then the cycle repeats. The color of the bubble alternates between gold while expanding and then red while it is still. During the stilled phase of beat 2 you are able to pass through the bubble unharmed.

no image Treant (presumable name) ? HP

Hellish: ? HP

  • Stomp (floor-wide attack) every 2 beats: 25 HP
Appears in 3rd wave in Svartalfheim 2 Challenge Room
BeatingHeart.jpg Beating Heart 2700 HP
  • Constant expanding bubbles on beat
  • Spreads projectiles at low health
  • ?
Can appear in a Boss Challenge room.
HeroVargr.png Hero Vargr 2200 HP

Hellish: 3300 HP

  • Fireball: 25 HP
  • Stomp (floor-wide attack): 25 HP
Can appear in a Boss Challenge room.

no image Hero Starkaðr Wraith ? HP
  • Rapid Fireball (Fires a large number of fireballs in a cone at the player)
Can appear in a Boss Challenge room.
no image Hero Corrupted Heiðrún 1000 HP
  •  ?
Can appear in a Boss Challenge room.
HeroMotherOfFlies.jpg Hero Mother Of Flies 1000 HP
  • Projectile: 25 HP
Can appear in a Boss Challenge room.

Splits into 10 Flies (Helheim) upon death.


Every level has a boss guarding the portal to the next level. All bosses except Fafnir and Nidhogg can spawn with a modifier. Bosses also use a separate part of the area's soundtrack (not including custom soundtracks) that plays as their boss theme which will be called the 2nd part, and using a 3rd section for when they are at 50% health or lower before the first half 2nd part ends, otherwise the game will finish the 2nd part then swap to the 3rd, even if they don't have a 2nd boss phase the music follows this rule.



Health: 3000 HP (Hellish: 4500 HP) Zone: Asgard 1

Four slow projectiles.

  • It's pretty easy to avoid by walking perpendicular to Draugr.

Eight fast projectiles

  • A projectile is fired each half-beat.
  • Keep strafing in the same direction.

Floor attack. Unlike other floor attacks it is a projectile, and has a limited area of effect.

  • Jump to avoid. Dashing out of the area of effect can also work. Hiding behind a pillar is another alternative, as the attack is a projectile.

Charges and knocks the player back, then summons 3 Dragon's Ghosts.

  • The knockback doesn't deal damage but it can knock you into a Dragon's Ghost from a previous attack.
  • Be specially careful if the boss has the burning modifier as the knockback could hurt you.
  • A Dragon's Ghost is summoned each beat.
  • Dispatch the Dragon's Ghosts as soon as possible to be able to focus on the boss.

Four area attacks.

  • The first attack will be marked. The next 3 attacks will be performed every other beat and will not be marked.
  • Attacks alternate directions and are always in the same order. Strafe left, right, left, right to avoid the whole combo.
  • Strafing in the correct direction will dodge the attack, dashing is not required.



Health: 2800 HP (Hellish: 4200 HP) Zone: Asgard Crypts

Eight fast projectiles with a crosshair dodge warning

  • Strafe/Dodge to the side to avoid the projectile.

Making area with chess tile patterns, while dancing

  • Go into the non-white tile to avoid damage. Tile damage extends all the way to the roof.

Damaging ripple that increases in size every full-beat once spawned

  • Jump over or move away from the ripple until it dissipates.



Health: 3500 HP ± 100 Zone: Asgard 2

Fires a homing projectile.

  • Dodge or strafe sideways to avoid.
  • if Ymir has the crazy modifier the dodge indicator can show on the hidden quarter beat

Channels a homing high damaging beam.

  • Hide behind a pillar to avoid.
  • Deals increased damage the longer you touch the beam.
  • Ymir will not use this attack if the Crazy modifier is in play

Summon 5 Dragon's Ghosts.

  • Telegraphed by kneeling.
  • A Dragon's Ghost is summoned each beat. Dragon's Ghosts only start moving 1 beat after spawning.
  • Dispatch the Dragon's Ghosts as soon as possible to be able to focus on the boss.
  • The Dragon's Ghosts spawn counterclockwise at each beat, making it easy to destroy them instantly if you rotate accordingly around the boss.
  • Some Dragon's Ghosts may not spawn if their spawn location is occupied by terrain (happens frequently when the boss uses this attack near walls or pillars).



Health: 3650 HP ± 100 Zone: Vanaheim 1

Reaches for his back and then flings a spinning axe.

  • Dodge or strafe sideways.
  • axe size scales up with giant modifier

Quickly throws a spinning axe and then fires a 8 projectile barrage in the cardinal directions around him.

  • Dodge, strafe sideways, (or double-jump for non-giant variants).
  • axe size scales up with giant modifier

Transforms into a flaming ball of fire and charges the player.

  • Dodge or strafe sideways.

Stops moving, readies his clubs, and then claps them together spawning a damaging orb. It moves linearly while slightly expanding before eventually phasing through the arena

  • Dodge, or strafe sideways

Stops moving, and readies his clubs which glow before attacking with a flurry of axes. These travel in a quick spread in the direction he is facing

  • Dodge, or strafe sideways
  • axe size scales up with giant modifier

Stops moving and then slams the ground, causing a damaging ripple that increases in size every full-beat once spawned (eventually dissipates)

  • Jump over or move away from the ripple until it dissipates

Stops moving to prepare a circle (safe-zone) and then attacks twice.

  • Stand inside the circle in front of Vétt to avoid taking damage.



Health: 3150 HP ± 100 Zone: Vanaheim 2

Individually fires 5 daggers towards the player on every full-beat.

  • Dodge, strafe sideways, or jump

Fires 4 daggers towards the player at once that travel in a spread.

  • Dodge, strafe sideways, or jump

Attacks the ground causing it to damage the player.

  • Jump when the button prompt reaches the center of the screen (crosshair)

Kneels and initiates an aerial attack.

Places a dagger in front of her which spawns a cross that can move clockwise or counter-clockwise around the arena 4 times before dissipating.

  • Recognize which direction the cross starts to slowly rotate towards and react accordingly.
  • The player can choose to either move in the same direction of the cross or double-jump over it to avoid the attack, this however leaves the player vulnerable to Gullveig's aerial attack.



Health: 4000 HP. Zone: Svartalfheim 1

Rapidly throws a small rock towards the player.

  • Dodge, or strafe sideways

Grabs a huge rock from the ground and throws it towards the player.

  • If the player is close to the point of impact, he will be pushed away from it.
  • Dodge, or strafe sideways.

Crouches, then fires 8 fireballs round him.

  • Dodge, strafe sideways, (or double jump for non-giant variants).

Smashes his fists onto the ground, creating 2 homing shockwaves.

  • The shockwaves can't be destroyed, but only last a limited time.

Growls, creating an expanding damaging sphere.

  • Before growling he stands on his feet with his hands on his head.
  • The sphere only damages the player when expanding, and becomes safe every time it stops.
  • Pass through the sphere when it stops; every time it stops it becomes dark red and an audio clue is played.
  • Entering the sphere too early isn't advised, as you'll have limited space to dodge other attacks.

Jumps in the air smashing his fists onto the ground, creating a big explosion.

  • Keeps moving forwards even after jumping, creating an explosion around the impact.
  • This attack is really slow and only impacts 3 beats after starting. Be sure to keep your distance.

Stands back and inhales, then spits a barrage of fireballs in a cone in front of him.

  • Doesn't track the player, but only aims where the player was once the attack was charged.
  • Strafe around the boss, or dodge sideways if you are too far.



Health: 6500 HP. Zone: Svartalfheim 2

Throws a single projectile towards the player.

  • Dodge, jump, or strafe sideways

Launches three large, semicircle slashes at the player one at a time on each beat, at varying angles.

  • The first and third slash are aimed at the right of the player while the second targets the player directly.
  • This attack can be avoided by strafing left and jumping over the second slash.

Thrusts his whips into the ground, one on each beat, and performs a ground attack.

  • Jump when the dodge prompt reaches the crosshair to avoid taking damage.

Hits the ground that creates a straight line that lingers on the ground for a short time.

  • Avoid the line, as touching it will do damage.

Mistcalf pulls the player toward itself. Does no damage.

  • Be careful not to be pulled into the damaging line.

Charges up for three half beats and releases a flurry of projectiles towards the player.

  • Try to get move away from the direction Mistcalf is facing to be out of the line of fire.

Transforms into a flaming ball of fire and then dashes at the player

  • Three jump prompts (untied to the beat) and a dodge prompt (tied to the beat) are displayed to the player as Mistcalf initiates his charge.
  • If the player jumps and dodges when these prompts reach the crosshair Mistcalf will stop his charge, otherwise he will continue to charge for a short time.
  • Mistcalf will not use this attack if the Giant modifier is in play



Health: 7500 HP Zone: Helheim 1

First Phase:

Hits clubs together, creating an expanding hemisphere that will damage the player if touched.

  • Strafe around to the open side of the hemisphere.

Hits the ground, creating a damaging line across the ground.

  • Jump over the line if you must cross it.

Charges the player with a fiery outline and swings clubs at the end of charge, then swings again one beat after.

  • Strafe/Dodge to the side to avoid the charge.
  • This can actually be used to lure him to fall off the arena and die before the second phase starts.

Second Phase:

Once taken down to 50% HP, Surt with grow and lose the clubs. After this point Surt will throw quick projectiles at the player on every beat.

  • Strafe and dodge to avoid the projectiles.

Hits hands together to create an expanding hemisphere.

  • Get to the open side of the hemisphere to avoid damage.

Spawns a fireball projectile from their mouth

  • The fireball slowly tracks the player around the arena and can be avoided by strafing / dodging



Health: 10000 HP. Zone: Helheim 2

The final boss Nidhogg will only aggro the player after three rounds of fights which can be triggered via the lever on the ground, similar to a challenge room.

First Phase:

Launches a fast fireball at the player with a crosshair dodge warning.

  • Dodge to avoid damage. Strafing will not work no matter the distance.

Creates and expanding sphere that grows in size every other beat.

  • Move through the sphere when stationary.

Launches 6 projectiles on half beats at player

  • Strafe/Dodge/Jump out of the way

Second Phase: Nidhogg lands on the ground and faces the player

Spawns four Dragon's Spirit in quick succession.

  • Quickly dispatch them to focus on Nidhogg.

Nidhogg's Tail pokes forward and creates an expanding hemisphere

  • Move around to the open side to avoid damage.

Launches six sets of three projectiles on half beats at the player.

  • Strafe/Jump out of the way.

Launches a fireball at the player with a crosshair dodge warning.

  • Dodge to avoid damage. Strafing will not work no matter the distance.