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제단은 안에서 나타나는 요소입니다, 상호작용을 했을 때 플레이어에게 아이템을 줍니다. 종류에는 상자와 성소가 있습니다.

스폰 규칙

Altars appear in most normal , excluding the spawn room on each level. One variant of GridRoomShop.png Huginn's shop has a secret shrine. Most rooms spawn with a shrine of some kind, but their appearance is not guaranteed. Once exhausted (which may take multiple inputs), shrines cannot be used again, and will usually glow with a pale fire or a halo to indicate they've been used. Only one shrine of each type will spawn in a given room, but rooms can spawn with multiple types of shrines. Shrines, especially secondary rarer shrines, can be located in hard to access places, usually high up on balconies or ledges. While some of these shrines can be reached via creatively jumping from rails, banisters, mushrooms, etc. having a mobility buff like flying, triple jump, super jump, rocket jump, grenade jump, low gravity level modifier or super speed can help. Some shrines may be impossible to reach with the player's current equipment and stats. Shrines typically behave the same way given their type, but the player's Luck stat can induce other, better outcomes, even from basic shrines.


천사와 악마 제단

These altars take the form of large statues with urns, and will accept a random number between 1 and 5 of coins (for the Angel) or keys (for the Devil) in exchange for a random result. The random results include:

축복 제단

These are the most common altars, and take the form of statues with small offering bowls. They are easily accessible and usually appear along the peripheral walls of the room. They will accept a single coinCoins in exchange for a +1 boost to the character's stat, dependent on the statue. Often times blessing altars can be difficult to spot; they tend to blend into their surroundings, both in color and in geometry. Scanning the peripheral walls of the room is a good start.

저주받은 상자

상자에서 확인하세요.

다모클레스의 검

Damocles' Sword

This shrine resembles a small pillar with a fiery sword above and one of 3 possible items (listed below). Activating it deals 25 damage to the player, in exchange for whatever is resting on the pillar. The damage can be reduced or avoided with abilities and items like SecondaryBlockArm.png Block and SecondaryManaShield.png Valkyrie's Veil, which will negate the damage completely, or ItemArmorChest.png Skjaldmeyjar's Plate which will reduce the damage to 15. Possible items are:

슬롯 머신

Slot Machine

These take the form of small, square chests with a slot in the front into which a coin is inserted. Upon inserting a coin a random outcome will occur:

사용하다보면 기계가 고장날 수 있습니다. 동전으로 막혀서 더 넣을 수 없게 됩니다.

더 디쉬

Helheim 2의 오른쪽 방에 있습니다. 100Coins 코인을 넣으면 ItemKnightBoots.png Giant Slayer Boots가 나타납니다. 100 코인을 넣은 이후엔 새로 게임을 플레이 할 때도 계속 이 아이템이 나옵니다.